Directorate of e-Court. Click image. envelope

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Assistant District Attorney. Then to private practice as an associate, specializing in commercial litigation; then on to a partnership in another firm specializing in litigation in general, and construction litigation in particular. Then, F.H approached to run for the Court of Appeals and, after some thought, decided to run. F.H won and have been here since. F.H motto: "If you love the law, you will want to reason well. And if you reason well, it will show. If it shows, and you let it be known that you want to be a judge, pretty soon your name will come up in discussions when openings occur. That's pretty much what happened to me."



Law firm practice since graduation from law school. B.G expertise : Product liability is a challenging practice area because it involves technical details, which are unique to each case and each product. B.G believes: "Litigation is inherently challenging. Helping clients find solutions to their business disputes is an even bigger challenge. Franchise law is interesting because practitioners often handle complex legal issues while working with familiar businesses that we encounter in our everyday lives"



H.A received graduate and undergraduate degrees in The Netherlands and Canada (McGill). Worked in several countries such as the UK, the Netherlands and Canada. His field of specialization covers finance, administration and the media.

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