Advisory counsel, Click image. envelope

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J.B earned a university degree in 1965 from the University of Saskatoon. J.B was in the Appellate Litigation Clinic at the University Law Center, and twice was able to argue cases before the Court of Appeals. J.B found the experience so interesting that he wished to continue in the appellate area. Thereafter J.B went to Richards L & H in Montreal, in 1976. While J.B started out in commercial Law, he soon became involved in Labor and Employment Law, and stayed in that area primarily until the early 1990s when, because of the many bankruptcy cases being filed in Quebec, J.B took over the bankruptcy group at L & H. J.B continued practicing in that area.



Law firm practice since graduation from law school. B.G expertise : Product liability is a challenging practice area because it involves technical details, which are unique to each case and each product. B.G believes: "Litigation is inherently challenging. Helping clients find solutions to their business disputes is an even bigger challenge. Franchise law is interesting because practitioners often handle complex legal issues while working with familiar businesses that we encounter in our everyday lives"



G.N practices in the areas of civil and commercial litigation, and specifically collection and credit litigation and employment litigation in both the provincial and federal arenas.  He has represented collectors in litigation under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Truth in Lending Act, and the Ontario Consumer Collections Practices Act.  He has also represented employers in litigation under Disabilities Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act.

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